Unable to archive the imported messages of previous profile

During the installation of a new computer, I copied my old profile into a new installation of Thunderbird manually moving all mail from the old profile folder files to the new profile folder. I found that I can't use the mail on any e-mail archiving

Satellite Pro L20: 37, 5 GB on the disk instead of 40 GB?

I bought a satellite pro l20, which is supposed to have a 40 GB hard drive, but there only a hard drive Go 37.5. is there any reason its slightly smaller than its supposed to be?

Windows 10 2011 at the beginning

Hello New MacBook Pro so please need all the help I can get. Purchased Windows 10 MS and downloaded (Win10_1511_English_x64.iso). I tried to copy on USB 8 GB and a 500 GB external hard drive formatted in MS-DOS (FAT) diet Master Boot Record, (I tried

Failed to start after the active partition changed by mistake

By mistake partition active of my hp laptop pavilion has been changed to recovery disc (D) and WINDOWS DOES NOT START. I can access prompt f11 (hp system recovery) when starting. How to change the partition active (command prompt in recovery when you

Return value of DLL LabVIEW Build to the Prototype of the function

Hi all I know LabVIEW can generate a DLL with return value with a function like prototype Sub nomfonction (arguments); We could define the return value to arguments. However, LabVIEW build a DLL with return value instead of "null" in the United State

643 and 646 in windows update error code.

I'm not good at the computer tech stuff. and I'm not sure what im supposed to do. and I do need to update the 5 things. Help, please. -.NET framework 1.1 service pack 1-XML core services 4.0 service pack 2 (KB954430)-update of safety for micr. Office

Unable to activate Windows XP after re-installing.

I recently reinstalled my windows xp professional on my computer I recently reinstalled my windows xp professional on my computer and it won't let me turn on, why is this

Wil Myst does not not in Mode virtual Windows XP in Windows 7

Computer comes back and says: Cannot find a suitable video card. I have a 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce G210 [DVI, HDMI, VGA] Help! Thank you Phil

Code 39 on CD/DVD players

When I tried to install the 2012 Norton Security on my PC (Vista) and on my laptop (running Windows 7), I got a message saying that the process could not continue because the CD has been removed or disconnected.  I see now that I have a Code 39 on my

HP Officejet 4500 - new black ink cartridge will not print

I just replaced a depleted with a new cartridge, HP 901 black ink cartridge and the black has completely ceased to print.  I installed a new color cartridge and it seems ok.  I cleaned the printheads several times to nothing does not.  Can someone he

Many Windows updates do not settle.

Original title: failure of the Installation of Windows Upgrades___ I just bought a new HP Windows 7 Home Premium PC p6520f just 5 days ago. However, when I try to install the Windows updates (several listed as Important, the bulk of any upgrade fail

How to auto-supprimer the old backups?

I am currently running Windows 7 Home Premium on a 2 TB WD Caviar Black and have a TB Caviar Green 1 as a backup solution in-house. I like the "system image" backup solution in Windows 7, but I'm unable to automate it. My computer says I have 1.3 fre

Windows 7 Build 7601 this copy of Windows is not genuine. - but it is

It won't let me reactivate it either Diagnostic report (1.9.0027.0):-----------------------------------------Validation of Windows data--> Validation code: 50Validation caching Code online: n/a, hr = 0xc004f012Windows product key: *-* - CM74G - RPHKF

Behavior of Win7 context Menu function

On 1 machine Win7, right click Print available, when you select a PDF file. On another machine, is not. What gives this command in the context menu? How to add? The two 64-bit.

No list to appear

I tried to reproduce the app stampCollector to create a list that I can put in my App. whenever I run well, I get a blank screen. I can't understand why but... Any help would be appreciated... Here is my code: hand. QML import bb.cascades 1.0 TabbedP

Why not buy games for my PC such as the birds angry and considering that water?

The above and other games are not available for the PC.  Why is this?  Also is there a form any lemming there for PC?

Win 7 upgrade to Win 7 Pro

How to upgrade to Win 7 Pro Win7 E-mail address is removed from the privacy *.

Question A Smartphones blackBerry OS 5.0

Hi, what RIM out OS 5.0 for the Curve 8520? Best regards, Paulo Lino

His retirement a HP Deskjet F4440

I have a HP Deskjet F4440 I'm ready to retire. I understand that several printers, copiers and scanners have hard disks that must be cleaned before selling or recycling or memory. What is the case for the F4440? If this is the case, what should I do